Monday, January 21, 2008

A prototype for Usability Engineering Tool

Being an Usability Engineer, i searched a lot for a complete Usability Tool. I got a few, but they are limited with their functionality. Later i thought of making use of zoho products to build such a Tool.
For Example, Zoho Creator can be used for conducting "Usability Reviews". Zoho Wiki can be used to gather "Usability Requirements". Toondoo can be used for "Usabiity Prototype Designing" ( Both WireFrame and Architecture ).

By using these ideas, I have done a prototype for this Usability Tool.

How this tool will perform ?

I. Usability Requirement Collection :

1 Select an existing project or Create a new project.

2 Create modules and write the requirement details for that modules

3 Create child module(s), if any.

II ) Usability Prototype :

1 Image Prototype ( Architecture, Web Interface, Java Interface, .Net Interface etc., )

2 HTML Prototype

III. Usability Testing :

1. Install the Browser Agent in both the Server and Client systems.

2. Write the Usability Test Case and send it to the usability testing participants ( optional )

3. Record the Usability Engineer's Actions on the Web Application ( That means the expected result )

4. Connect the Server and conduct the Usability Testing by participants in Client systems.

5. This Tool will compare the Expected Result (UI Engineer's actions) with Usability Testing results (Participant actions) and generate the result.

6. Usability Engineers can view the participant's actions by their recorded scripts.

IV. Usability Review :

1. Using a simple form, collect the Usability Issues details.

2. Using these details, Report page as well as few charts (like Severity Graph, Issues Graph and Location Graph) can be generated.

3. Write a Review document and report it to your head.

1 comment:

mgopi said...

hi man,

its nice to see ur blog on usability and its quite useful for me being a Usability Engineer.
I would be thankful to u if u tell me more about usability testing and the tools to test usability.